As a designer, one of the main goals is to make the viewer remember your product. Whether a logo, a package, or an ad, if it doesn’t impress your audience, it will soon be forgotten and your brand might not be very successful.
In graphic design, there are several shape elements that you can use. They help to transmit a clear message and a memorable image. Marks, icons and symbols are some of them, each with different characteristics and uses.
Symbols are representations of concepts or ideas. For example, a circle and arrow are associated with maleness, while a circle and cross represent femaleness. A four-leaf clover is often understood as a symbol of good luck. A dove usually represents peace. An airplane is a common symbol for an airport, or a martini glass for a bar. There are thousands and thousands of symbols.
Symbols also have a meaning on their own. But unlike icons, symbols have a specific meaning within each culture that can change from place to place or evolve over time.
We need to previously know what a symbol represents so it can actually mean something to us. Take the Wi-Fi symbol, which is formed by a circle and three arches. Most of us know what it means, but for someone who has never used the internet, it wouldn’t have the same meaning or might have no meaning at all.